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Thursday, February 26, 2009

We have it pretty good

It seems like nearly every day I stumble across the story of a mother, husband, or wife who is fighting a very brave, faithful and sad fight.  I am always moved to tears and feel called to action in some way to appreciate my life more, tell my loved ones how much I love them, be thankful for my husband and to help in some way, any way.

 The story of Kori at Life as a CFers Wife is no exception.  Her husband has Cystic Fibrosis and Colon Cancer.  Together they have two young boys.  He is currently going through chemo therapy to buy the family a little more time together.

A family trip to Disneyland was donated to them and now there is a way each one of us, who have it pretty good, can help Kori and her family have one great worry free trip of a lifetime. Click  HERE to get the down low and help. Give $1.00 or $20.00.  Every penny will be one less penny that they have to think about on this trip.

I have scarcely been more grateful for a good fight with my healthy husband.


Kori said...

Oh Sweet Sarah. Thnak you just seems so inadequate, just know it is truly from the heart.

Meg said...

CF is a hard on its own I can't even imagine enduring cancer with it.

Courtney said...

so true, just dropping by from sits!