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Monday, February 2, 2009

Hot Wings from Heaven

Ten months ago I didn't cook.

I could muster up a chicken breast and some plain brown rice but that was the extent of my cooking repertoire.  As irony would have it, I actually had a kitchen shower as one of my bridal showers and I got all sorts of neat looking gadgets and big bowls that looked like they would be very adept at holding large bags of potato chips or perhaps even a nice batch of orange chicken that would arrive from the neighborhood Chinese restaurant.

You could see it on my mother-in-laws face. Women would ask "Do you cook for Daren a lot?" and I would laugh and say "Oh no, I don't cook at all."  My dear mother-in-laws face would blanch, if just for a moment, and you could see the thought race through her head that her precious son was going to starve to death upon given his name to this girl.   My knowing mother, who herself has married off two sons, would shake her head in exasperation, lean in to my ear, force a smile and say "You can cook a little, tell them you can cook a little."

So cook a little I did.  

And now, I cook a lot.  For our second annual Superbowl party I took on the challenge of making the hot wings myself.  A feat for any new cook. I seasoned the meat, tripled the sauce and tweaked the recipe. As I placed each wing on the serving platter my little heart pounded with nervous energy as I hoped that I wouldn't ruin my own party for lack of wings.     

It was as if I were watching a very dramatic, slow motion cooking show as I watched my husband take his first bit of my first hot wings. Success! Daren smiled a perfect hot sauce covered smile and declared "These are good!".

Let it be known to my mother and mother in law, that God answers prayers. Daren has a wife who can cook, and this was proven Superbowl Sunday 2009 with the Hot Wings from Heaven.


CulyQFun said...

Where's the picture of those wings?

You are a better woman than me my
friend, I bought frozen wings & heated them in the oven. Ha! How's that for wings?

SarahDB said...

Nice Gina! I did that last year and was told that those frozen ones weren't really up to par. :) So I braved it and made them. I will send you the recipe anytime you want it!

Anonymous said...

Whooooo post here, I would LOVE a good wing recipe!!!

Julie D. said...

yay, sarah! you can send the recipe on, for sure! I too, bought my wings! Costco got me on their little three table set up with 4 different kinds! ;) i was just thinking the other day, what a cook you have become!!

Julie D. said...

cute picture of uncle awesome over there...was that after the wedding?

Christy said...

Hey Lady! I'll need to get that hot wings friend donalyn made some awesome wings...but they werent spicy...yours sound yum a lish!

LOVE your layout...and that beautiful! I also love your 'head' and 'heart' thing...SO cute!

Brandy said...

First, your header is beautiful! I mean really gorgeously striking.

Now for the can you tell us they are delish without a pic or a recipe?! We want wings too! LOL!

Dropping by from SITS...welcome to our "little" group!

DiPaola Momma said...

I LOVE it when a new foodie joins the ranks!!! Welcome to the club and to SITS.. I'm part of the Welcome Wagon and I KNOW I'll be looking for you at roll call and beyond.. I heart happy people..

The Rambler said...

LOL...we must be on the same boat. If it doesn't come in a box-add-meat thing,I'm not sure...:)

Welcomista here from SITS...glad you joined. Hope to see you around.