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Monday, August 10, 2009

Pregnancy by The Numbers

30 Weeks

30 pounds

38 inches around at the belly button

3-4 average times up in a night for various reasons including bathroom, insomnia, hunger, and restless leg syndrome

1 times I've fallen into the toilet in the middle of the night due to the seat being left up

3 number of pillows currently used in a vain attempt to find comfort

2 times I puked on an airplane

2 bottles of tums consumed

12 orders of biscuits and gravy ordered off of any menu that has them

1 time I fell asleep in the bathtub at 2:00am

2 names chosen

1 time my husband made the "beep, beep, beep" noise of a large truck backing up as I was crossing the room

5 times I have cried about my weight

9 times I have visited the neighborhood baby botuique to just look at the stroller and car seat we will be buying

4 the number of Lemon Drop martini's I want right now

58 the number of times my honest answer to my husband has been "I forgot"

3 bra size changes

10 the number of weeks to go if we make it the full 40

3 the average number of questions I have for my Dr at any given appointment

4 baby books half read

2 jars of peanut butter and 1 full pack of Graham Crackers consumed within the last 3 weeks

2 ultrasound pictures on our fridge

1 baby playing pinball in my belly right now.


DeLane, Kevin & Parker Lilly said...

What an awesome blog friend! You have such a way with words. xxoo

shelly said...

That's hilarious! Pinball is a great way to describe it and I love the "beep beep beep". I also love that the number on that one is only one =) It's getting closer, yeah!

Julie D. said...

beep. beep. beep. Ryan has almost redeemed himself after that one.

CulyQFun said...

Great numbers!